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A community's history and developmental evolution contribute to its sense of place. The creation of local historic districts is one tool to preserve the characteristics that make a place unique. Historic Districts included in this project include Cherokee Heights, Vineville, Downtown (Central Business District) and Intown (Residential).

Developed primarily between 1909 and 1960

Cherokee Heights is a planned residential suburb in Macon, Georgia that developed from 1909 until 1960. The Vineville Improvement Company, a local developer, built the original neighborhood in two phases. The first phase lasted from 1909 to 1911, and the second period occurred in 1923. After World War II, vacant lots were infilled with ranch houses that continued the pattern of single-family suburban development that began in 1909. The residential nature of the neighborhood is largely intact today, with the exception of commercial properties that have developed along Pio Nono Avenue.

Beall's Hill is a local historic district with design guidelines not included in this project. For more information on other historic districts head to Macon-Bibb Planning and Zoning or Historic Macon Foundation.

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